Function Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 close, DAO
 current, DataResult
 getEntry, ConnectionCache
 getErrorMsg, DataAccessError
 getErrorNum, DataAccessError
 getErrorStr, DataAccessError
 getErrorType, DataAccessError
 getInstance, ConnectionCache
 isEntry, ConnectionCache
 key, DataResult
 makeConnection, ConnectionFactory
 next, DataResult
 removeEntry, ConnectionCache
 retrieve, DAO
 rewind, DataResult
 setEntry, ConnectionCache
 update, DAO
private function __construct()
initializes cache
public function __construct($connStr)
creates a connection to the database
public function __construct($errType =  0,
$errNum =  0,
$errMsg =  "")
initializes errorType, errorNum and ErrorMsg
public function __construct($host,
DataAccessMysql class constructor
public function __construct($host,
DataAccessMysql class constructor
public function __construct($result)
DataResultMysql constructor
public function __construct($result)
DataResultMysql constructor
public function close()
closes database connection and unsets DataAccess object
public function connect($host,
create a connect to the database
public function connect($host,
given a hostname, username, password and database name makes a connection to the database and selects the database if the connection cannot be made or the database cannot be selected, throws DAOExcpetion
public function connect($host,
given a hostname, username, password and database name makes a connection to the database and selects the database if the connection cannot be made or the database cannot be selected, throws DAOExcpetion
public function current()
returns current row from dataset (overrides Iterator:: current())
protected function dataSeek($row_num =  0)
resets cursor to beginning of dataset
protected function dataSeek($row_num =  0)
resets cursor to beginning of dataset
public function disconnect()
disconnect from the database
public function disconnect()
disconnect database connection
public function disconnect()
disconnect database connection
public function display()
displays exception information
public function display()
displays exception information
public function escape($val)
escape value used in query string
public function escape($val)
escape a value before using it in a query string
public function escape($val)
escape a value before using it in a query string
public function getAffectedRows()
returns the number of rows affected by an insert, update or delete query
public function getAffectedRows()
returns the number of rows affected by an insert, update or delete query
public function getEntry($key)
creates/overwrites a DataAccess entry in the cache
public function getErrorMsg()
retrieves error message string
public function getErrorNum()
retrieves error number
public function getErrorStr()
retrieves error message string
public function getErrorType()
retrieves error message
public function getFormat()
gets the result array format
public function getFormat()
gets the result array format
public static function getInstance()
creates and returns instance of ConnectionCache if instance does not exist, otherwise returns instance if instance already exists
abstract public function getNumFields()
public function getNumFields()
returns number of fields in result set
public function getNumFields()
returns number of fields in result set
abstract public function getNumRows()
returns number of rows in result set
public function getNumRows()
returns number of rows from resulting from select query
public function getNumRows()
returns number of rows from resulting from select query
abstract protected function getRow()
returns an ArrayObject containing row data or false if no (more) rows
protected function getRow()
returns a row of data from the mysql database result resource.
protected function getRow()
returns a row of data from the mysql database result resource.
public function isEntry($key)
verifies if an entry is valid based on its key
public function key()
returns current row number (overrides Iterator::key())
public static function makeConnection($connStr)
creates an instance of the connection cache and returns either an existing DataAccess object or creates and returns a new DataAccess object if it cannot create a new DataAccess object, throws a ConnFactoryException
public function next()
retrieves next row from dataset, places it into currentRow and increments row number (overrides Iterator:: next())
public function query($sql)
send query to the database
public function query($sql)
given an SQL string, queries the database and returns the result or throws DAOException
public function query($sql)
given an SQL string, queries the database and returns the result or throws DAOException
public function removeEntry($conn)
removes an entry from the cache
public function retrieve($sql)
runs database select query and returns DataResult object
public function rewind()
repositions cursor to beginning of dataset and resets row number (overrides Iterator::rewind())
public function setEntry($key,
creates/overwrites a DataAccess entry in the cache
public function setFormat($format)
sets the format of the result array to either 0-indexed (default), associative (with column names) or both
public function setFormat($format)
sets the format of the result array to either 0-indexed (default), associative (with column names) or both
public function update($sql)
runs database insert/update/dete/ query and returns DataResult object